Monday 2 July 2007

Keeping up ones pecker in five easy steps...

Or where to find a happy place when you have lost yours...!!!

I have been tagged, quite unexpectedly and out of the blue, from someone out there in the big bad world, and it could not have come at a better or more appropriate time because I have been a real nightmare of a Madame Grognonne lately! For which to all whom it may concern I am very very sorry...honestly..

This isn’t a tag for listing how clever you are or how well travelled or how bizarre you are or who you know who is famous, or your 7 most favourite films. It is a really helpful tag about what you do to keep try and keep your pecker up and stay positive so here goes!!We all have our coping strategies or what ever you want to call them so here are mine to deal with that old black mongrel of depression. This is what I do if I am feeling a touch of “Le Cafard” as the French say ….or rather what I know I should do but don't always do well enough...

1 Dredge up a memory of a happy moment. If I remind myself how very happy I felt and recapture it, I know I can feel that way again...and that fact makes me smile. Think of one small thing that made you smile, and you watch along will come another, and another and another…They are like London Buses…

2 Do something, anything, iron, clean, cook, sort through a mountain of paper work, blitz the kids bedrooms, or weed the veggie patch. Even better, go and do something for someone else. What goes around comes around, and some of the most incredible people I have met, I met through getting off my bottom and going out to give someone a hand. Activity takes my mind of me.

3 Play Carl Orff ‘s “Carmine Burana” very loud or the sound tracks of South Pacific or Oklahoma or something with so much life and energy stuffed into it that it is pouring out of the seams. If the Wombles do it for you, go for it!

4 Walk and walk and walk, and look around me and remind myself how incredible the world is and how much out there I do not even know about yet. You can do that anywhere inner city shopping centre, out on a lone moor on a train, but do be careful if you do it when you are driving!!!

5 stop feeling so self indulgently sorry for myself and start remembering how lucky I am. How lucky I am to get to be the age I am, living where I am, and not dying of Aids in some hovel in Africa, or watching my children die of starvation in some worn torn God forsaken place, or many of the myriad things I am lucky not to have experienced.

Yes bad things happen in life but I can make the choice to leave them behind or I can sit and go over and over and over them. As the French say C’est Fini. Now move on.

It is clichéd but its true, most peoples lives are as happy as they want them to be, you can either decide everything is terrible and sit and list all the things that make you miserable and wallow in it or pump up the volume and concentrate on the positive things and all the things you have achieved .

And if you don’t feel you have achieved anything, look again. If you are reading this, then you can read, millions can't, if you are having this read to you then you are lucky to have someone who has taken the time to do that for you.

If you blog, then you can write and have access to a computer, many have neither access or skill or opportunity. No one made you do any of those things. It was your choice so now go and look in the mirror and remind yourself of how marvelous life is and how extremely lucky you are.

And on a final note, we are not talking Bipolar disorder or clinical depression here we are talking about the odd touch of the blues, the sort of thing that comes form having too much time on ones hands and over indulging in poor me syndrome. So there you are I have passed on the Baton.. on to Pondside, Fennie, Grouse, ChrisH. and Snailbeachshepherdess..go girls run like the wind!!!

The wonderful illustration I can not find artist or title for but it just sums up the whole keep going up and don't look back thing, start looking down and you end up frozen with fear , like Dory in Finding Nemo you just have to keep on swimming...oh and for anyone reading my blog for the first time, welcome ,and the funny stuff is under the adventures of un peu loufoque this is the other side of me... ...and lastly but by no means least a very big thank you to American Scot for tagging me...


Anonymous said...

You are so right un peu! Life is definitely what you make it. I believe it's made for you anyway and you just have to go along with it, filling in the gaps as you see fit. Grass is never green on the other side, I've tried looking many times.

Crystal xx

annakarenin said...

It doesn't surprise me you have all those positive coping strategies. Most of the time I can pick myself up with a good walk or some gardening both out door strategies but I have to own up to wallowing in it sometimes especially when the weather is against me. i shall have to remember this blog.

I am so far behind on UPL I daren't look. I was only just starting to catch up before I took time off for the weekend. I think I will have to photocopy a junk and take it in my next bath.

Elizabethd said...

American Scott is still around? Sorry you have a touch of the blues.

Sally Townsend said...

I love the picture you have chosen to illustrate your wonderful words of wisdom, onwards and upwards and no backward peeks !

Kitty said...

Very good - I like this, sensible strategies for dealing with our demons. And American Scot! Hadn't come across him before. Barking! No wonder he likes UPL!

Pondside said...

Loved your list - mine will have some similarities. I got your email and will go to work this evening while you all sleep!

Blossomcottage said...

My grandmother always quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt when things were not going right or we were down
“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is
Fear Itself”.

You know we can spend too much time worrying about thing that really don't matter a friend sent me a piece of paper once when things were not good( I won't say really bad because I have had a very priviaged life and its easy to loose sight of that), it said.

There are no endings only beginnings and I think she is right.

Chris Stovell said...

I am supposed to be lying with my head on the Pillow of Despondency, but for you dear heart... Actually have just finished watching Life On Mars (Phwoar!) which does wonders for me.

Frances said...

What wonderful sides you do have.

I remember reading a book by the Dalai Lama, that spoke of positive and negative meditation.

It was funny that at first what he had written seemed so obvious, but little by little seemed to deepen wisely.

When one meditates positively, just letting positive images continuously float to one's mind, it sets up ripples that will go out into the world to benefit that world.

When one frets and worries, the opposite can be true. One sets loose upon the world the alternative ripple, that can bring damage wherever it reaches.

Of course, the DL said it much better, but that is the general idea.


Faith said...

Very well put, and just what I need to read and keep reading! So I will be reading everyone you tagged to see what they can come up with.

Fennie said...

Goodness. This needs thinking about. Yes positive thinking is the answer but how does one positively think? Ha! A Eureka moment.........I have found the answer........Unfortunately, there isn't space in this box to write it out here..........Whose that? Bang!

Anonymous said...

Hello UPL, think you might find the artist is a californian called Eric Zener who specialises in these sorts of paintings, many more beauties to be found at

Unknown said...

Hey there!

Thanks for playing the High Vibes Game. Can't wait to see which posts, form these bloggers, you submit to "high Vibe it"!

Cardin Lilly Routh

snailbeachshepherdess said...

...I'm running.....honest..

annakarenin said...

Have tagged Jacko so make sure he does his homework.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

Keeping up one's pecker has a different meaning where I come from. But everything you say is true. If none of those work, I watch Monty Python's Life of Brian. Superb!

Bluestocking Mum said...

We share some of the same philosophies on keep ones pecker up!!

Really enjoyed this.

warm wishes